Forbidden words to say in bed!

24 Oct

Magic might not happen!

Yes! Magic might not happen if you do not play your cards right!

Do you know what you are not supposed to say in bed? I have prepared some clues for you!good

Night and day we think about sex, but when we are just in the middle of the act something bad happens!

Here are some funny things some of us might say in bed! However, I strongly advise you not to utter these word combinations or the horizontal dance will not take place!

The colors in your words…

sexyDo not ruin the magic… Keep it alive!

* Have you just woken me for that? Unbelievably! We could have done it tomorrow! You know? Not in the middle of the night when I am asleep!

* We have to hurry a little bit with ‘the play’ because I’ve rented the room just for an hour!

* Honey, when do we get to the fun part?

* Oh, honey I’ve just realized I do not have the keys to these handcuffs!

* OMG! You didn’t remind me to take my pill!

* You must quit smoking and I’ll get some more action, you know!?

* I do not know why but you seem familiar to me! Like an actress of some sort…

* You look extremely funny when you are naked!

* Have you closed all the doors? I do not want anyone to catch us in the middle of the act!

* Can you…? But, I’ve just brushed my teeth!

* I do not want to do all the hard job! Take it over…

And last but not least I have to quote my favorite:

‘Did I mention my transsexual operation?!’

To continue…

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