You mentally undress me!

17 Oct

Happiness… a difficult feeling to achieve! However, being optimistic might be the perfect solution for your problems!

Seeing the beauty which lies ahead of you is a must!sunset

The perfect lullaby has always been there and will remain a source of energy for you! You just need someone to pinch you to feel the vibe and the excitement of life!

All these sand storms in your life have left you speechless, but there is no reason for this! Just get over them… They were there only for a couple of minutes and with a precise goal – to make you stronger…

happyAll these obscure utterances should not be there… It is just the poetic art of beauty that you need to understand!

However some specialists have discovered the steps to achieving it! Tell me your opinion, do you honestly think that these will work?

  1. You need to accept yourself!
  2. You need to embrace your emotions!
  3. Help someone else to feel good, so that you too feel good!
  4. Have faith and be optimistic!
  5. Smile as often as you can!
  6. Believe in yourself and in your own strengths!
  7. See the marvelous things that are around you!
  8. Make peace with your soul and embrace tranquility!
  9. Accept the challenges in your life!
  10. Avoid monotony! Avoid sadness!

In short, just enjoy life!

2 Responses to “You mentally undress me!”

  1. adrianzambrano1988 October 17, 2013 at 12:38 pm #

    Agree with all ten. You can’t see the good around you if you can’t see your own light. Being happy and staying happy isn’t always easy but if you work on you and your own mindset it can be achieved.

    • sexyadajames October 17, 2013 at 4:32 pm #

      I totally agree with your statement Adrian. Life is hard but we should know how to deal with it, in order to notice the benefits. We should enjoy every minute of it regardless of how it really is. We should always see the good part of it!

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